Friday 21 March 2014

No. 534......

…..My race number.  My first thought when it came in: “I wonder what Laura will think”.  My very good friend Laura has a special affinity with numbers and, in different sequences, they can spell either a good or a bad omen for her.  So relief when she proclaimed that “5 is good.  3 is good.  Not so fussed about 4 but that’s ok because they add up to 12 and that gets the thumbs up”.  Bless her.  In a similar vein one of the MdS competitors posted a link to a website when the race numbers came out, in which ‘the angels’ came up with readings based on patterns of numbers.  Those of you who know me well will attest that conferring with ‘the angels’ is not exactly up my street but I took a peek, for a laugh.  Laura mightn’t like it much but the number four seems to be particularly relevant:

“The number five encourages us to be true to ourselves and live our lives accordingly.  Number three resonates with courage, forgiveness, skills and talents, open-mindedness, manifestation and attainment, self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, growth and expansion (just about everything then).  The number three also helps you to focus on the Divine Spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires.  Number four relates to working determinedly towards achieving our goals and aspirations.  It tells of hard work and effort, building solid foundations, motivation, stability and practicality, system and order and our passion and drive.

Angel Number 534 may suggest that the devoted hard work you have put towards achieving your goals and aspirations, as well as your positive affirmations and expectations, will manifest auspicious opportunities and rewards for you.”

Obviously a load of old tosh (sorry for any offence, angels) but I’ll take inspiration from wherever I can lay my hands on it right now!  I can only hope that the angels, the Divine Spark and whatever else combine to get me through.

Since getting injured late last year, my strategy and key priority has been to get to the start line.  That has meant not pushing the mileage too much and accepting at a fairly early stage that I wasn’t going to be in peak MdS fitness for the race.  That was working well and I was able to build up the weekly mileage but keep daily distances manageable.  Unfortunately with only 3 weeks to go, my injury begun to rear its head again and a few runs were cut short due to acute knee pain on my left side – same as before – iliotibial band syndrome.  Boooo.  The only time I have been as poorly prepared for a race as this was Paris Marathon a few years ago and I remember there almost being actual tears at the end, such was the slog to get around the course dragging a pulled glute muscle.  There is nothing better than preparation when it comes to racing – it is the difference between enjoyment and abject misery.  So I’m firmly expecting the latter, but all misery will melt away if I can just cross that finish line.  Even if I’m in last position by several hours.  Even if I get beaten by a fat camel and an octogenarian!  I’m not used to lacking in preparation before a race and I have to say that I feel my body, normally strong and resilient, has really let me down.  So my mind will need to save the day - this is going to be the most mentally (as well as physically) tough race I will ever have endured.  No doubt.  But even if I make it, I suspect I will have unfinished business with MdS (unless I never want to see another grain of sand as long as I live).  So 2014 is my recce – MdS 2016 might be the one to race!

I will have my 7 tent mates to share the experience with though.  Thanks to the wonders of facebook, there is no need to arrive at the airport aimlessly trying to find people willing to share with me at the last minute.  So along with Stephen, James, Sally, John, Tom, Deano and Darren, we are Team Teaplod (with reference to the many cups of tea to be consumed over the week – was there even mention of cake at some point? – and the fact that the pace, certainly for me, is unlikely to be electric!)  The criteria for my lucky selection for such an esteemed tent team?  1. gender (Sally was a little outnumbered); and 2) my bilingual abilities, i.e. the ability to speak both English and Scottish and thus provide interpretative services within our multilingual tent.  Already the information sharing has been coming thick and fast, with a suggestion of taking butteries as part of my daily nutrition.  Probably not a bad shout – high energy, stodgy carbohydrate and pretty light to carry.  Everyone will want one!

In an update to the kit list, it shames but does not surprise me that I have been pretty last minute with the final essential pieces of kit and I will now spend the last couple of weeks frantically trying things out and possibly having to replace things that don’t quite work.  I also made an attempt to add up what I have spent on this race so far (for what purpose I’m unsure).  Scary.  Particularly since a large proportion of the kit will be so disgusting after living in it for a week in the heat that it will be walking to the bin of its own accord.

But I have made some progress in the past month and my sleeping mat and bag have arrived (to be tested out this week).  I now have my Hoka’s back which have been expertly fitted with gaiters by a cobbler.  I have ordered my food and nutrition, which could probably fill a (boring) blog post all of its own.  So all of the big stuff is done.  I now need to turn my attention to the last 5 per cent, e.g. medical supplies, survival stuff, nutritional snacks.  The decision of whether or not to take my newly purchased Kindle to aid with the mental challenge when not running (weighing in at a whopping 170g, it’s doubtful), what to wear, ECG and medical certificate to get signed off.…. the list feels pretty much endless. 

So despite all of that making me want to lie down in a darkened room, instead I’m more likely to be found in the sauna or doing Bikram yoga to help with the acclimatisation effort (my first session of hot yoga was a hoot.  The least flexible person in the world (i.e. me, no exaggeration) in a room full of yoga bunnies, posing in front of a very big mirror, perspiring in a most unladylike way and to top it off, walking into the male changing rooms by accident at the end – on form, Calder). 

With just two weeks to go (how did that happen?) I would really appreciate it if you could help me raise as much money as possible for Hope For Children.  Having your support will keep me going in my darkest of moments in the desert, knowing that together we have made a difference to the lives of some hugely underprivileged children.  So if you haven't already visited my donation page, please please do so now and spur me on during the last couple of weeks.  Thank you so much.  And thanks for reading.